Voter ID RequirementsWhen you arrive at your polling place, you will complete a voter's certificate which asks for your name and residence address. You will then present the certificate and proper identification to the poll officials who will verify that you are a registered voter in that precinct by checking the voters list for that precinct. Voters are required to present identification at their polling place prior to casting their ballot. Proper identification shall consist of any one of the following:
NOTE: If a person votes by mail (Absentee Ballot) they do not need to provide a photo ID, provided proper identification was furnished at the time voter registered to vote. The photo ID rules only apply when voting
FREE Georgia Voter Identification CardIf a voter does not have a Georgia driver's license, or other qualified ID, they can obtain either a FREE Georgia Identification Card from the Department of Driver Services or a FREE Georgia Voter Identification Card at their county registrar's office. This photo ID is to be used for voting purposes only.
In order to get a FREE Georgia Voter Identification Card, a voter will need to provide the following:
If a voter does not have any of the forms of identification listed above, they may vote a provisional ballot upon swearing or affirming that the elector is the person identified in the elector's voter certificate. Such provisional ballot shall only be counted if the Board of Elections and Registration is able to verify current and valid identification of the voter within three days following a primary or election. For additional information, please visit the Secretary of State's web site at www.sos.ga.gov/elections or call the Elections Division at (404) 656-2871. Please read note about links to external websites | |||||